We protect children - across borders

ISD gives advise to parents, grandparents and other relatives in Germany who are concerned about children living abroad. ISD is also the contact point for people from other countries who have information about the endangerment of minors’ welfare in Germany. 

In addition,  ISD offers advice to professionals (in particular the German youth welfare offices) in child protection cases involving children living abroad and provides support in assessing the risk. 

Child trafficking - a threat that can only be recognised by those who are aware of it

In the specific case of human trafficking and exploitation of children and young people, ISD is also a contact point for professionals. Human trafficking and exploitation often take place in secret and are difficult to detect and prove. The welfare of children and young people affected by human trafficking is at great risk and concrete child-specific measures are needed to protect them. 

As a liaison office between national and international child protection authorities, we refer child protection reports to countries outside the EU so that child protection can be ensured by the relevant local authorities. Between EU member states, this task is performed by the German Central Authority, the Federal Office of Justice.  ISD receives information on child protection cases in Germany from working partners of the global ISS network, which are passed on to the respective youth welfare offices for processing. In addition,  ISD obtains information or social reports from abroad for child protection authorities and family courts in child protection cases in Germany and advises on the processing of ongoing child protection cases.

A broad field for further expert training

ISD also offers digital advanced trainings and specialist events for professionals on the topic of child protection with an international dimension.